The Night We Met...

On March 15th, 2022, we met for the first time. With music having been played throughout the evening, wouldn’t it be nice to go back to that night? Fortunately, I have tracked every song we played that night, in order, and have created a Spotify playlist.

The First Song

At 8:05pm, we played our first song of the night, “Wanna Know Remix” by Dave feat. Drake. Perhaps this explains why on our way to the club last week, you wanted me to play that song specifically. It was the first song I ever showed you in-person!

Love at First Sight?

While the first hour of our night had us playing casual trap music, things quickly changed. By 9pm, the music played took a romantic turn, playing mostly love songs for the rest of the night. Perhaps that was a sign of how deeply we connected!

Hope You Enjoy!

As you know, being the data nerd that I am, I have been tracking my Spotify listening habits for a few years. I am so happy that doing so has allowed me to recreate the soundtrack to the night we met. I hope it brings you joy to reminisce on that moment, and hear the music we first bonded over. And I hope you like what I did with the cover art 😉!